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If needed quickly, ure-Na can be ordered at most pharmacies for overnight delivery. The pharmacist will need the following NDC or National Drug Code number to find ure-Na in their ordering system: 62530-0000-11. Expect to pay a slightly higher price than buying online.

For order tracking, please check you spam folder as we always email out tracking numbers when orders are shipped.

For phone support, please call:

  • Toll Free: 844-980-9922
  • Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm MTN

Physicians, Pharmacists, Health Plans, and PBMs

PHYSICIANS, INPATIENT USE: If you would like to have ure-Na added to the inpatient formulary at your institution, please request your institution's inpatient pharmacy to add ure-Na to formulary.

PHYSICIANS, OUTPATIENT USE: Please see the 'Buy ure-Na' section for outpatient ordering options and the 'Insurance' section for more information on insurance reimbursement.

INSTITUTIONAL PHARMACISTS: If you are an institutional pharmacist and you would like to stock ure-Na it is available through McKesson, Cardinal, AmerisourceBergen and Morris & Dickson. McKesson item #: 3572344. Cardinal item # 5286018. AmerisourceBergen item #10173267 or 619114. Morris & Dickson item# 942680. If you use another wholesaler, please contact them and request to add ure-Na into their distribution system. If you are going to have P&T review ure-Na prior to adding it to in-patient formulary and you would like a copy of the ure-Na AMCP Dossier, please fill out the contact form or email us.

HEALTH PLANs, and PBMs: If you are interested in adding ure-Na as a covered item under either the medical benefit or pharmacy benefit, and need more information, would like a copy of the AMCP Dossier for ure-Na or you would like to schedule a clinical presentation on ure-Na and the use of urea in hyponatremia or you are interested in contracting with Nephcentric for ure-Na please fill out the form to the left or email us at [email protected] and we will contact you shortly.

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